Posts Tagged ‘seeds’
Natural Magick
Posted on Aug 23 2005 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: beauty, fruit, magick, natural, plant, seeds, strong
As you eat fruit you should perhaps plant a few of the seeds now and again, not just the seed the whole fruit, which contains all the seed needs to grow healthy and strong, planted and grown to keep-able size, then you take it and plant it around your local area. Planted to bring back the beauty of the fruit you enjoyed in the eating.
Plant it in the garden and wish for it to grow
Is that not the art of natural magick?
Posted on Dec 19 2004 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: bliss, creating, earth, pips, satsuma, seeds, sun
The beauty in finding many pips in your satsuma is bliss, when you know no GM or Man-ipulation seen
Grown in the earth out under the sun, natures interplay, creating not controlling this most wondrous way