Posted on Nov 30 2008 under Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: flow, journey, time, travel, understanding, why
In this time No thing is natural
We have travelled so far from our past
The journey of the wise man never slows
His pace rhythmically linked to the flow
Synchronicity in a vibration show
Understanding natures equilibrium in balance
From deep within the subconscious
Willpower – you gonna need
Willpower – if you no want greed
Time now no matter
Tell me – what your step
Gotta keep strong
You gotta – do what you say
Take time feel the magic
See how it play
Don’t let yourself be worried
By the troubles of your life
You need to find where you are going
Take some time to get it right
All that’s needed is direction
Choose a path and let it flow
You will fin most ya worries
Gone before tomorrow
Why are you – worry, worry, worrying?
Why are you – hurry, hurry, hurrying?
Can’t you see – Gotta take it easy
Take the time- enjoy your life
Take time you see – enjoy –be free
Be free – no worry, no hurry, take it easy
Got to take a little
A little time in your life
Time to think
Avoid the trouble & the strife
We got to take a little
A little time in your life
To find the feelings
& Change wrongs into rights
Waste a day
Gowan out and play
Leave your troubles behind
Find space
Time from the race
Need to slow down
Cut your pace
Take Time
Gowan out and play
Leave your troubles behind
When you want
You get stoned
But don’t get to stoned to be stoned
Life is a happy thing
Gotta pick it up now
Gotta do your own thing
Need to smile
Need to laugh
Find a lover
& Choose a path
Because you are
I am
I got the fear of loosing you
I got the fever of loving you
You can do what you wanna do
Don’t have to suffer the hand of another
Don’t have to do, if you don’t wanna
Cause you can do just what you wanna
It’s your life the decisions they are up to you
Now you can do what you want to do
Never thought I’d find a way to do it
Now see me dancing on the floor
Never thought I’d find a way to show it
Now I’m dancing more and more
You make me feel free
It’s what you mean to me
You set me free
I ask, give your love to me
You’re all that I see
You’re everything to me
I am not a part, of the race
I got time, set my own pace
By design, there’s time
To relax, recover & unwind
The most important moment you will find
Is when there’s no-thing astir in your mind
Harmony of peace, there to remind
Of all the wonder of being alive
Posted on Jun 17 2005 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: boy, journey, path, spirit, teaching, understanding, wizards
The story of two wizards, their journey from early adept-ship through the ordeals of the purification of the spirit. At one of these trials one fails and leaves to seek his own path, eventually turning into the path of the Black Brotherhood.
Story of a boy turned man, searching fro truth, he meets our good wizard to progress with his teaching & understanding of the Great Work. Read more »
Posted on Dec 11 2004 under Diary of the ONE, Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: injustice, journey, street, woman, work
Posted on Feb 15 2004 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: connection, ecuador, journey, money, world
Guaiquil is the second capital of Ecuador, a port city on the southwest coast. The sprawling industrial city & commercial port of Ecuador, it is through Guaiquil trade flows to & fro with the rest of the world.
In the past this has been a very dangerous place for gringos, it still is if you venture off into the suburbs at night, although the city now seems cleaner & safer than Quito. I am told that recently a new governor was voted in; you can see the improvements in policing, cleanliness, hygiene & pollution. Quito at present has no police presence giving the blaggers a free run of the city. Before both cities were completely corrupt, officials getting rich while chaos reigned on the streets.
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Posted on Oct 03 2000 under Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: Add new tag, harmony, journey, mind, paths, searching