Posted on Aug 24 2005 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: balamce, consequence, earth, harmony, nature, polluting
We are messing with natures balance
For along time now we have been burning of earths resources, taking what we want & polluting without a plan. No thought of consequence to nature & our earth or the events to come as she re-balances, re-adjusts herself back into harmony and equilibrium.
Posted on Jan 04 2005 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: 22, create, destroy, effect, harmonic, nature, paths
Each of the 22 paths is a harmonic, a resonant frequency with all that is, the nature of the resonant effect with all that there is creates & or destroys; adds or subtracts.
Posted on Dec 31 2004 under Diary of the ONE, Writings | Tags: ego, induldge, integrity, learn, money, nature, pride, spiritual
Posted on Dec 19 2004 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: contemplation, energies, nature, noble, secret
THE TAROT – A noble contemplation of the secret energies of nature
Invocation before starting, preparation for the reading; with the cards in your left hand, the right hand over them.
“I invoke thee, IAO, that thou wilt send HRU, the great angel that is set over the operations of this secret wisdom, to lay his hand invisibly upon these consecrated cards of art, that thereby we may obtain true knowledge of hidden things to the glory of thine ineffable name, Amen,
Wands Fire – Great Energy/Quarreling or Opposition
Cups Water – Love, Emotions & Pleasure/Intoxication
Swords Air – Intellectual Matters/Sickness, depression, trouble & death
Disks Earth – Business, Material endeavors/Failure
Court Cards – Meetings/People
Aces – New Beginnings/ Great Energy & Strength
A card is well or ill defined by the presence of neighbouring cards on either side, cards of the same suit strengthen, cards of the opposite nature weaken.
Swords are hostile to Discs
Wands are hostile to Cups
Swords are friendly to Cups & Wands
Wands are friendly to Swords & Disks
The spread 13 9 5 4 8 12
2 1 3
14 10 7 11 15
Card 1: Represents the querent and the nature of the energy & primary influences. A court card refers to a dominant individual or influences in the querents situation
Cards 2 & 3 in conjunction with card 1 are the Key cards, describing the nature of the situation & personality of the querent.
Cards 13, 9, 5 & 4, 8, 12 – Upper left and right
Indicate two potentials for the future, if in compliment of each other the cards on the upper left are a development of the upper right. If in conflict the upper right shows the direction the querents life will follow unless action is taken to change the course of the flow. the cards on the upper left would then become alternative possibilities
Cards 6, 10 & 14
Are to assist the querent in taking/making whatever decision may be necessary, psychological basis & implications of any issue
Cards 7, 11 & 15
Show forces operating beyond the querents control, destiny or Karma – to which the querent can adapt. They constitute advise as well
Posted on Feb 03 2004 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: actions, balance, care, choices, ecuador, greed, money, nature, profit, reject, shun
With no care or thought for the inevitable consequences of their actions or their effect on natural life & surroundings they push on, exploiting anything they can in their quest for profit & wealth. Far too much quantity is taken at a time, causing massive upheaval for the locals & surrounding natural life.
Look at any indigenous tribe see how they care for there resources, animals, plant & surroundings. Labelled primitive or savage in there understanding & ways of life, they are the ones who should be seen are more highly evolved & more civilised.
Our leaders past have much to answer for, only now are we taking the time to watch, learn & understand the natural & spiritual aspects of their lives & cultures. What have we seen? They live within a balance of order & harmony, with themselves & with nature, no greed, no excess, and no ego. Read more »
Posted on Jun 03 2002 under Diary of the ONE, Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: earth, nature, recycle., rubbish, world