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Twisted Indeed

Posted on Jan 20 2006 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: , , , , , ,

You must be twisted indeed… (heavy funky rock blues)

If you blind yourself by taking what you think you need

Lost on a trip deep on the material plane

You must not yet have conceived, astral reality revealed

A place inside and all around oneself

Where all becomes One and harmony sings..

How often you do ya think of ya brother?

Fellow sister, when she on ya mind?

When you last give to the other?

Instead of holding tight ta ya dimes.

You must be twisted indeed

Unfortunate, unaware, no care

Tell me, How blatant you will see others suffer

Without a second thought for what could be the matter

Ya got no soul, lost all awareness of it

You must be now twisted indeed

Atlantis, Lost City Found Off Cuba

Posted on Dec 26 2001 under random things | Tags: , , , , ,

[note – this writing was published posthumously and as such I have no idea where this text is taken from. No infringement of copyright is intended – just information sharing.]

The article below is about the discovery of a lost city that could predate the Great Pyramid.
This is all about myths and metaphors finding new storylines in our reality.
This discovery seems timely coming just after the World Trade Center. Humanity is searching for spiritual answers. Souls have been moving into higher consciousness levels of awareness. Reality seems different though in truth it is our collective consciousness that have altered based on the fall of the Twin Towers.
The towers were also metaphors for the number 11. Many people see 11:11 or 11 or other combinations of double digits.
As of late, movies are about Time Travel (which is actually Grid Travel – or traveling between grid programs), Atlantis, Harry Potter and Magic among other things created by the grids to help us remember that conscious awareness is changing and affecting all of the souls in this program.
Here are some of the metaphoric connections that run through the programs that our subconscious mind link (wake up to ) when a discover like this occurs.
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    The following links (from the drop-down menu below) document the writings of Jamie over recent years. You will also find the some music, that was written by or with him or from the musicians and artists inspired Jamie.
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